The morning started early for Kevin and Miss Piggy. Unfortunately, we ran into some technical difficulties which ended with the Pig falling from the spit onto the hot coals. Thankfully, we had a large grill grate for over the coals and we were able to roast her directly on the grill.
We had to turn the pig every so often so that she cooked evenly. The sight of the pig was a bit overwhelming for some of our guests. We have successfully turned my friend, Jen, into a vegetarian. But, I think most people enjoyed the whole experience.
It was really hot, so the kids figured out a way to cool off... Patrick and our friend, Lauren, took turns sitting in melted ice!
I had shirts made for each of us. It was a goofy way to celebrate Kevin's birthday and give our guests a little laugh.
Moving the pig was a 3 man job. Kevin, Peter, and Andrew moved her to the cutting table. Kevin decided to look his dinner in the face!
Bryan and Kevin hamming it up! HA HA HA!!!
Ella Jane, Xiomara, and Elsaya deep in conversation.
Who says a bounce house is just for kids!?
It was really fun having this cake made for Kevin.
Kevin Biegler Vineyards
German Polish Blend
Bottled and Aged in Illinois
We had lots of yummy desserts. Our theme was wine and pig!
We ended the night with a great bottle of wine and a toast for the birthday guy!
Singing Happy Birthday to Daddy!
The kids and Grandpa were tired at the end of the evening! Look at Ella Jane asleep holding her hair up.

Becky helped so much during the party (and the day before). We were so grateful for all she did. We both were tired at the end of the day and this was the first time we really sat down together the entire party. We sat with our feet in a tub of melted ice! Ahhh! Thanks, Becky! I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend!