Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Girl's Weekend

It was a wonderful weekend in Wyoming with Amy, Sofia, and Vivian. The sights were breathtaking, but the best part was being with my friend and her girls who I have missed terribly. Here are a few highlights from the trip.

At the bottom of this post is a slide show of all my pictures.

I had asked Sofia not to grow while we were apart. She didn't listen! Sofia is now 4 1/2 and a fantastic little girl. We had a great time together! One of the best parts was meeting Amy's new baby. Vivian Grace is 4 weeks old. She's such a sweet baby.
Yellowstone was amazing! The pictures don't do it justice.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Too Much Fun for One Day!

Jack played hard all day. He spent much of the day outside. By the end of the day he climbed in his sleeping bag and onto the trampoline and fell asleep.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Had a Bad Day!

Poor Patrick fell at school today. His head hit a table. He was really upset and I had to pick him up early. His teacher and the school nurse were wonderful to him, even sharing a bag of "Bugles" with him. He came home, had some soup and now has gotten to watch about 2 hours of Thomas. I guess maybe it will end up being a good day after all.

Lake Front Property

We had about 10 inches of rain over the weekend. We, temporarily, had Lake Front Property. The top picture is our new luxury yacht in front of our house in the flooded street. The second picture is our neighbor's (Mike and Melissa) backyard. We got a pond in our backyard, they got a lake. When the viaduct overflows it all ends up in their yard. Now, they have a water slide!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Ella Jane and I are about the same age in these pictures. Hmmm, think we look alike?!?!?!?

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Enough said!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Kevin and I got to go to a Cubs game the other night... Thank you Tony and Ramona for babysitting! This gives you an idea of how close we were to the action. Too bad those darn Cubs lost... in the 11th inning, no less.

Baby on the Move!

Ella Jane is busy cruising around. She's starting to master walking behind her push toy. Look out, world, she's on the go now!

Best Buddies!

Patrick and his friend, Maddy, rode the bus for the first time Tuesday. They both did Great! Melissa and I were glad they had one another. Every morning they greet each other with a huge hug! So cute!