Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Family Time

The kids and I headed for Michigan after Christmas for a visit with my family. We had lots of time with my brother and his family. The kids loved being with their cousins. One of the best parts of our trips to Michigan is watching the kids play together. They really love each other.

Jack and Patrick with Parker John

Uncle Brian let Ella Jane go for a ride on their horse. Uh, I mean dog. Zoe was very tolerant of the kids playing we her; she's a sweet dog. Believe it or not, she's still a puppy... a big puppy!

Do I not have the cutest nieces ever! McKenna is on the left and Gabryelle is on the right. Kenna and Ella Jane were adorable playing together. They were two peas in a pod.

Below is my dad, Uncle Robert, and Aunt Marcia (Robert is #8 out of the 9 siblings). Marcia spends her time at family gatherings playing with the kids. She's fantastic with them and they adore her! As a kid, I remember how great it was to have her undivided attention and now she's pampering my kids the same way.

Baba having an evening cuddle and read with her girls. These are the best moments, aren't they?!?

1 comment:

The Meyer Family said...

Love those cousins, wish my kids had more of them.