Thursday, October 15, 2009

New School Year = Changes

Fourth grade has been a big deal for Isabelle. It means science projects, geometry, long division, and BAND! Isabelle is now a flute player. She's just thrilled to have her new instrument. It's just the start but I'm sure there will be some out-of-tune concerts in our future!

Poor Patrick has had a rough adjustment to afternoon pre-school. At least a couple times a week I find him sleeping somewhere around the house before 6:30 p.m. This particular day he pulled pillows and blankets off my bed and crashed. I woke him only to get his jammies on him and put him in bed. His eyes hardly opened. But, aside from being a little sleepy he's having a wonderful school year. His teacher and all of his therapists have seen big improvement and big changes in him!

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