Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mary, Joseph, & an Angel

Jack, Isabelle, and Patrick were all in our church's Christmas play. The storyline was of a group of students telling their teacher what their favorite part of the Christmas story was. While this was going on the Christmas story was acted out silently. The kids choir sang throughout the play and the "choir of angels" sang 2 songs in the middle of the play.

Jack was Joseph. He did great, although he did look like he might fall asleep sitting on the hay; I suppose having a newborn makes one tired!

sabelle played the part of Brooke. She was the first student, front row. She did great with her lines. We were so proud of her!

Patrick (the center angel) was adorable! The choir of angels were all 3 and 4 year olds. Too cute!! Patrick may have stolen the show. He was "that kid". You know, the one who waved, looked around and said, "hi Mommy" really loudly. He also waved and said "hi" to Isabelle and Jack. Too funny! It really was a great way to kick of the holiday season and get us into the true Christmas spirit.


The Meyer Family said...

Does Jack remind anybody else of Mike?

Christine said...

Jack totally reminds me of Mike! But, when I see pics of Kevin's mom then I see her in him too. But, yes, lots of people see the Mike connection. It's because they are both so darned handsome!